Harmonisation of Rules Committee

The Harmonisation of Rules Committee (Committee) is an advisory committee established by the Council of Chief Justices of Australia and New Zealand (Council) and made up of Judges of the Federal Court of Australia, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, Supreme Courts of the States and Territories of Australia, and the High Court of New Zealand.

The Committee produces harmonised court rules, forms and other practice documents in appropriate areas of common jurisdiction.  These are then recommended for adoption by the Council.

Once adopted by the Council, it is expected that the relevant courts will implement the harmonised rules, forms and other practice documents.  This includes:

  • Incorporating them into their individual rules of court and/or practice notes; and
  • Where necessary, requesting appropriate amendment of any legislation and practice notes.

Each participating jurisdiction retains authority to modify the application of harmonised rules, forms and practice notes to suit the circumstances of that jurisdiction.

The Committee also monitors:

  • The operation of the harmonisation; and 
  • Prepares amendments to address any issues that arise in the jurisdictions